It’s only half the battle if you know what you’re up against. You should know and comprehend the three main resume forms in India if you want to know how to write a superb resume. Regardless of the resume style you choose, employ the reverse-chronology strategy to list your professional experience and academic credentials.

Due to space constraints, each item on your resume must have a distinct purpose, particularly in the Work Experience and Skills sections. Don’t mix up responsibilities and experience. Instead of listing work responsibilities, aim to emphasise accomplishments on your CV (that can be found on the internet).

Making your resume appear professional is not difficult. For starters, under the Contact Information area, include a formal email address. Avoid using amusing or even offensive email addresses, since this might jeopardise your professionalism. A doctor with the email address “” is unlikely to get hired by a hospital. You see what I mean.

Because job seekers only have 7.4 seconds to make an impression on recruiters on average, your resume must be reviewed to guarantee that it passes the first step and reaches the “Interview” area. If your resume contains spelling problems, particularly in the contact information area, these simple blunders might cost you your dream job.

Now that you know how to construct a flawless resume, visit our suggested website to see resume samples for various job positions and sectors to help you get started. There are other resume-building tools like Canva that provide a variety of eye-catching resume templates to assist you. To increase their chances of securing a job interview, we recommend that job seekers submit referral or recommendation letters from their former supervisors.