Looking for keyword gold at the end of the SEO rainbow

4 Super-Smart Keyword Research Ideas 

4 Super-Smart Keyword Research Ideas 

Check out the SERP before you write anything!

This step is so, so important and I’d wager that most people skip it: You should evaluate the existing rankings on the search engine results page (SERP) for your keyword before you do anything else.

Keep a list of related keywords in your document

One easy way to make sure that you actually get all those keywords into your SEO content is to include a list of related keywords in the document where you’re writing it.

Look for “secret keyword formulas”

To find your own secret keyword formulas, open up your analytics and look at the headlines and keywords from your site’s all-time best (or recent best) traffic-driving content. See any secret formulas?

Look for weak featured snippets you can steal

SEM Rush has a cool feature that allows you to see what keywords your competitors rank for, including keywords where they’ve earned the coveted featured snippet. To find this info, type in a website address in the Domain Analytics tab, then expand the organic rankings report and click “Featured snippet” under “SERP Features”